Home Battery Storage
Home Battery Storage
Domestic battery storage is a swiftly advancing technology that can be applied in tandem with Solar Panels (PV). This innovative technology allows excess power from solar panels to be stored for later use instead of exporting it to the National Grid.
If you have solar PV you can generate plenty of electricity when the sun is shining. But on overcast days you’ll make less, and you will make none at all at night. This generation pattern often doesn’t match up with when households want to use electricity – it’s at night when you want the lights on and to use appliances like a dishwasher or TV, so batteries enable you to use your stored energy instead of using expensive grid-delivered electricity.

Key benefits of installing Home Battery Storage
- Reduce emissions – Reduce pollution and demand from coal and gas dependent power grids
- Be blackout safe – Provides backup power during a blackout or emergency
- Reduce cost – Save money by using less energy from the grid
- Become energy independent – Store your excess solar energy to reduce your grid usage
- Reduce peak demand – Supporting the grid during peak times and provide grid stability services
For more information on the many advantages of owning your own batteries, see our Benefits page.
What size battery should I get?
Electricity is measured in Kilowatt hours (kWh) and your bill should give you a good idea of how much electricity you use per day. How much electricity your household consumes over an average 24-hour period depends on its size and the number of people living there. Generally, an average household consumes around 20kWh per day, but this might be higher or lower in mid-summer or mid-winter, depending on your local climate.
Another factor to consider is how much electricity you use in the peak evening period (4pm to 9pm), which is often when the cost of electricity is at its highest, depending on your service provider. Over the years, we have found the most economical battery size for an average home is typically 6kWh to 10kWh. However, for modern all-electric homes and those with home electrical vehicle chargers, the optimum battery size for maximum self-consumption is increasing. Every household is different and there is no one-size-fits-all solution,
Ready to get started?
Quality Assurance
Expert installation of low maintenance heating
We pride ourselves on delivering the best heating and hot water systems available today - providing our customers with cost effective, green solutions and great customer service.
The installation process
We want to ensure that your experience with us is easy and enjoyable. We use our own highly skilled, certified engineers to install and commission our systems. We are also happy to work closely with any third party plumbers or other contractors involved.
Initial Site Survey
Design and implementation
More detailed assessment - including heat loss calculations and energy performance certificate (EPC). You will then receive a final quote pack.
Contract signing
To be signed and deposit paid.
Booked in advance and carried out by a professional team of experts to a high standard.
Sit back and enjoy
A warm home and claim your RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive).